Ministry Schedule
If you are a current usher, altar server, lector, or Extraordinary Minister, view the current schedule to see when you serve.
Serve the Parish
We are always looking for parishioners interested in serving the parish.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
This ministry assists the priest in the service of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass, or by taking the Eucharist to the homebound, those living in assisted living, or ill in a hospital.
The heart of a ministry in lectoring is setting hearts on fire for God and his Holy Word by reading the first and second readings during Mass. Lectoring requires specific training, usually just one session. The training also includes the mechanics of lectoring, carrying in the Word during the procession, approaching and retreating from the altar, and when to bow.
Those who have a spirit for welcoming and greeting should feel right at home in this ministry. Ushers and greeters take part in welcoming those attending Mass, assist with seating, take up collections during Mass, distribute bulletins after Mass, and assist with any emergencies that should arise.
Interested adults should contact the parish office at 231.775.2471 or via email at